Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Our Last Night - Harry's Bar

Tania performing with Zul at Harry's Bar and a last gasp with our friends...

This is Christiane

You always have your hands full, and manage it all so effortlessly. We will miss you...
Here with Rosa & Julian #3 & 4

Newton Circus

We just had to do one more feeding frenzy at Newton Circus - Mo, Mara, Simone & myself...
Chili Squid, Sambal Kang Kong, Crispy octipus, and rambutans and mangosteens - oooh la la

Simone & Saleem decide to stop in for some drinks (part of the wrapping-up)

Nigel Discovers 'Wadas'

At our favourite little dive in Upper Dixon in Little India - The New Woodlands.

A Raha Dinner

Our second-last night - with Abhijit, Kavita, Shonali & Shumona.

Tia & Paula

Here they are - the two inseperables.

Monday, August 27, 2007

"Now my nose is stuffed and my heart is broken..."

"Now my nose is stuffed and my heart is broken..." Tia, who is all of 7 years old said this to me on our drive back this evening. We had just dropped off her very best friend - Paula, who had spent the day with her. As we were driving off I realised that she was silently weeping and bubbling at the back of the car. I'd never seen here like that. Grief stricken. She was just inconsolable. Nothing we said would help, it was like she was in another place, and so far away - it really got to me. And it hits me just how much the kids will be affected by this move at this stage in their lives. As I mentioned somewhere in this blog, it's amazing just how much of their life gets uprooted, and they go along with whatever plans we lay out for them. "Now my nose is stuffed and my heart is broken..."
Mo & I told her that it's up to her to keep in touch with Paula, and when they're older they can meetup wherever and travel and visit, and they have all their incredible future waiting - oh, how exciting. Paula, at anytime you can contact Tia at -

Bye bye at the Swiss Club

A whole bunch of our friends turned up at our last Sunday Brunch at the Swiss Club. It will be hard to leave so many behind, but we will look forward to seeing them soon.