Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Not the rocker. But a special place for us. The beach next door..

Summers here

Tia made a batch of muffins for her classmates for her birthday.Mo & I often go to the South Melbourne Market. The produce is like we've never seen anywhere....Here's Helen - who turns me on to some of the most unusual cheeses, and even though she doesn't have my favorite Cantal or Mimolét she has some others I had never tried (or even heard of!).And here's Mo's favorite produce spot - dried apple slices, fig cookies, grissini, olive oil....Tia and Krikka on the rear deck. Yup, summers here, and come autumn, all those leaves will be on the ground (= I will have to pick them up), but for now it's wonderful!

Illawara & tattoos & Thai frogs

No connection really, but we were at the zoo with the Klopfers and the now familiar bush flies.

Mara has decided that she wants the Illawara Flame Tree behind her bedroom, and it was all oh so different from the Singapore zoo.
I ran into this perforated, pinned and pierced and fiercely tattooed chap. He was alarmed that I was stalking him, but I explained that his excruciating walkabout art was just too fascinating. I don't know your name, but this is for you for posterity.
A cherry on the top was this insane frog temple from Thailand!

Musca vetustissima

The bush fly. These little buggers are incredibly annoying and fearless. I'm getting a bee bonnet! I had never really been exposed to quite anything like this - it all starts with cow poo, and if you really want the low-down, go here: http://www.viacorp.com/flybook/fulltext.html

Krikka & Koko & Sushi

A special quiet moment. It rarely happens. And Sushi, atop the fridge with two of her dummies.