Thursday, July 19, 2007

Three Traumas

I've heard that there are three major traumas in a persons life - A death in the family, a divorce, and moving home.
Well, this moving thing is really intense. I've got too much stuff, and even though I don't (maybe) need all of it - and I'm trying to toss all the bits and unnecessary pieces away - I probably don't have enough discipline and/or the will. I DO have a nostalgia set of boxes - those got filled right away; my work stuff - video, animation and all the computer gear is a major, major pile of stuff - but what about all the little bits, all my clay from claymation matérial, the animation hardware, the kilometres and kilometres of cables and other bits, all my art supplies, all my DIY tools, all that lighting gear, TB's of hard disk drives, my bicycling gear, all the projects that are yet unfinished....
Krikka our big, big short-haired pointer, Sushi and Yu-Li the cats - they'll do the 30 day quarantine and will be off soon.
The moving chaps said we need a 40ft hi-cube and another 20ft container. And then there's the car - talk about baggage! I WILL try and get rid of as much as possible, but..... my books, all that great art - bronzes, stone and clay and ceramic sculptures - contemporary and kitsch and folk-art. No way I can leave them.
I told Mo earlier today, what if we just took the kids, one bag apiece and just walked away from it all.
It could be done, but.....

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