Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Hunnar Films

Wow, such a gas. Last week, Sunil Bhadekar, one of the designers (at my studio in Bombay - Hunnar Films), sent me this image! This is a part view of my studio in Bombay, circa 1988. I had just completed building the first ever 6° axis motion-control animation rig and also a dual-axis optical printer. The animation rig (and stepper controllers) are visible here. I have some more of those images packed away, and I have to haul them out sometime and post them on this blog. (Hunnar Films was started by my dad - Clement Baptista, a famous documentary filmmaker. After he passed away in 1986, I ran the studio, focusing primarily on advertising, shorts and fx for film. My brother Romir was also part of the operation)... ** Clement BaptistaImage: Sunil Bhadekar

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