Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Two Years Later.....

Hard to believe, but it's been two years since I wrote. I can't believe how quick it's gone by (that's a cliché!), and how much has happened..
The real reason I haven't been blogging is because of Twitter. I do like the pure distilled essence of 140 characters. Micro-blogging. It suits the sense of immediacy I prefer..
We're in a funky but gorgeous Victorian in South Melbourne. Not much of a yard, but the size of the house (along with the high, high ceilings) more than makes up for it. Oh, and the fireplace, can I mention just how special that is. Especially with some logs of red gum crackling and hot, with the fart and sizzle of the sap burning. And we're surrounded by parks. That's great for the dogs. Krikka is starting to slow down a bit as she gets older - and I guess we all are too.
We're totally busy and stuff happening all the time. Kids are still sailing, plus Mara & Tia are playing tennis (really well) and Mara has been rowing for her school
We're definitely city folk. I mean Bowie was great, but the buzz of the city is what we all love and enjoy, The ability to hop onto the tram and get right into the city in 5 minutes is priceless, and all the cafés and restaurants and Chinatown and the theaters and movies and the Yarra river with the bicycle trails, and the beach right there - plus Albert Park (and the lake) only 400 meters away where the girls can sail, - - and this raving can go on and on. This is where we want to be - & just loving it.
Oh, and I've been wearing a hat. I would either get sun-burned on my bald head, or it would get too cold. Somehow a baseball cap just didn't do it. And besides, I like it. Raymond Chandler-ish. Mo seems to think it's OK. Mara started me off - a Christmas present of a very fine, pricey trilby - an Akubra 'Stingy Brim'. I've since gathered a collection of trilbies, fedoras and hamptons. My first hat is still special.
Just discovered that my iPad does not let me add images, so when I get on my notebook I'll post an image of me with a hat.
That's it for now. more later when the urge hits me. I guarantee it won't be 2 years!

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